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research interest
The long-term goal of our research is to define fundamental principles governing the functional wiring of the brain. We are focused on the function of primary cilia, underappreciated signaling antenna of neurons and astrocytes that mediate major cell functions in response to environmental signals. The importance of primary cilia in the brain is evidenced in human “ciliopathies”, where defective cilia cause disrupted brain organization and behavioral deficits associated with intellectual disabilities (ID) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). However, a long-standing question remains: How do primary cilia, only a few µm long protrusions from the cell soma, exert such a profound impact in the brain? Our research program is dedicated to solving this mystery. My team is incorporating recent advances across a wide range of disciplines based on molecular genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, live imaging, neuroscience, and translational pharmacology to peel back the layers of this mystery from gene→cell→circuit→behavior→therapeutics.

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